Degree program mapping

The Program Map helps the college ensure that a program is designed for student success in meeting the Degree Level Standard and the Program Learning Outcomes.

All planned courses for a program must be mapped to each of the Degree Level competencies and the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) in the following manner.

Mapping outcomes

The centre column is for the proposed PLOs. List them in an order consistent with the order on the Program Outline.

Mapping courses

When mapping courses to the learning outcomes, list them in the right hand column, and map to the centre column (the proposed PLOs). List every course that provides students with the opportunity to achieve a particular outcome. Students must have multiple opportunities to meet a PLO; therefore, two or more courses must map to each outcome.

Since breadth courses are considered to contribute to the PLOs and are essential to the to the accomplishment of the degree level standard, specific mandatory breadth courses are included in the mapping, and in addition, where breadth courses in general contribute to the program learning outcomes, 鈥淏readth Courses鈥 can be referred to as a group.

Mapping of the course learning outcomes to the PLOs and to the Degree Level Standard is also a required part of the PEQAB submission for Ministerial consent.

A member of the Office of Academic Quality can provide support around the mapping process.