A person wearing a green shirt, beige cardigan and a gold bangle bracelet typing on a silver and black laptop

Program renewal

This website is designed to help curriculum teams clarify the process and access the resources and supports necessary to formally renew a program.

About program renewal

According to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities鈥 , colleges must 鈥渆stablish mechanisms for the review of their programs of instruction to ensure ongoing quality, relevancy and currency鈥 (p. 5). One of the ways we achieve this at 小优短视频 is through our comprehensive Program Renewal process, which occurs approximately every five to seven years. Program Renewal allows program teams to critically analyze their programs and to make changes in the interest of academic quality and program sustainability.

Essential deadlines

Program renewals are typically conducted in the winter semester, with a goal of being approved at听Academic Council听(础颁)听no later thanJune听of the academic year. Below are essential deadlines:

  • June:听Academic Council听approval (diploma/certificate)
  • June: Revised program information submission to Marketing
  • September: Updated program information submission to听
  • Following September: revised program launch for most programs