Dealership Fin. Statements

FNCE 2008

Course description

Students gain an understanding of the information provided in a dealership financial statement. Students then examine dealership efficiency, productivity and profitability through financial statement ratio analysis using generally accepted industry guidelines and other comparisons. Other topics include working capital management and financing.



Course Hours



Post Secondary level ACCT 1004 Introduction To Accounting Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level ACCT 1000 Financial Acctg. Principles 1 Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level ACCF 1000 Principes de compt financi猫re Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level ACCT 1010 Accounting 1 Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level ACCT 1008 Financial Accounting 1 (ODE) Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level ACC 2122 Financial Acctg. Principles 1 Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level ACC 2113 Intro Accounting 1 Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level BDE 2101 Introductory Accounting Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level BDE 2123 Financial Acct I Minimum Grade of 50

Students registering for credit courses for the first time must declare a program at the point of registration. Declaring a program does not necessarily mean students must complete a program, individual courses may be taken for skill improvement and upgrading.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education