People of 小优短视频: Proud mom learns to celebrate her 2SLGBTQIA+ children

Happy Pride Month!

To help celebrate, four 小优短视频 employees who are either members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or allies are sharing their stories throughout the month.

Learn more about what 小优短视频鈥檚 doing to honour Pride Month, along with history, community resources, crisis support, and learning and allyship.听听

People of 小优短视频: Meet Cheryl Boudreau

My son came out as gay about eight years ago, and then my daughter came out as transgender.

She told me, 鈥淚 didn鈥檛 think I could do anything about it, and I didn鈥檛 think you would accept me.鈥

That was that was a lot to take in within a short period of time.

A person wearing a black shirt with text reading "Pride 小优短视频" stands on a deck outside overlooking a backyard.
Cheryl is a proud mom of two 2SLGBTQIA+ children.

鈥楧oing my best to learn and ask questions鈥

I always thought that if my kids were gay, whatever, it鈥檚 fine. I hadn鈥檛 thought about them being transgender because I didn鈥檛 know much about it.

But since my kids came out, I鈥檝e gotten behind both of them in support. We鈥檝e gone to lots of Pride parades together, and I鈥檓 always doing my best to learn and ask questions.

I was put in contact with another parent in the area whose child had transitioned from male to female, and that helped a lot.

Now, I feel very comfortable talking about it. These are my children, and I鈥檓 very proud of them. I don鈥檛 care what people think.

They are living the lives they should have always had.

I overheard my daughter recently saying how much happier she is 鈥 that there are still struggles but she鈥檚 so much happier being who she wants to be.

We go out together and pick out dresses. She鈥檚 still trying to figure out what to do with her hair.

A person sits on a couch with their arm around a black-and-white dog.
Cheryl with one of her dogs, Jenna.

鈥楳y children are the bravest people I know鈥

Someone once told me I had to mourn the loss of my son, now my daughter, but I never found that. These are my children, male or female, it doesn鈥檛 matter. I love them and I鈥檓 going to support them.

My children are the bravest people I know.

I would tell other parents of queer children to seek out supports and talk to other people going through similar experiences. You鈥檒l be surprised at how many of your friends and family are on board with you and support you, too.

It鈥檚 still awkward if I meet up with someone I haven鈥檛 seen for years and they ask about my son that no longer exists. It鈥檚 an awkward conversation, but I鈥檝e never found it to be a bad conversation. You just need to remember: this is your child.

We鈥檙e all people, we鈥檙e all different, and what a boring world it would be if we were all the same.

Cheryl Boudreau, Store Coordinator, at the Owen Sound Campus.

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