People of 小优短视频: Rugby teaches international student life lessons

To highlight some of 小优短视频鈥檚 130+ programs, we鈥檙e re-sharing some of our past People of 小优短视频 features of alumni throughout the month of May. Meet Rahal Delpachitra, an alumnus of 小优短视频鈥檚 Business Administration 鈥 Human Resources program and former member of the college鈥檚 varsity rugby team.

What鈥檚 your story?

The 小优短视频 community is full of unique, inspiring perspectives 鈥攁nd we鈥檙e sharing them as part of an ongoing series.

People of 小优短视频: Meet Rahal Delpachitra

I鈥檝e been playing rugby since I was 11 years old.

My two brothers played rugby, too, and my whole family鈥檚 into rugby.

An action shot of five people playing rugby.
Rahal, far right, playing rugby with the 小优短视频 Grizzlies.
Four people dressed formally stand next to each other and smile at the camera.
Rahal, right, and family.

鈥榃hy not give it a try?鈥

It鈥檚 a popular sport back home in Sri Lanka. You can play semi-pro kind of level over there.

Before I came to 小优短视频, I sent a video clip of myself playing to John Daggett, 小优短视频鈥檚 former varsity rugby head coach.

He鈥檚 a nice guy and responded, telling me to let him know when I landed in Canada.

But when I got here, I was not going to try out. I wasn鈥檛 sure if I鈥檇 be able to balance my school stuff with rugby.

My brothers encouraged me to go and try out, along with John and others. I had read about rugby at 小优短视频 and how they had a pretty good record, so I thought, 鈥淲hy not give it a try?鈥

A group of muddy rugby players during a game, with one in the centre gripping the ball and running past players on the opposing team.
Two people wearing 小优短视频 Grizzlies rugby sweaters and jacket, pose for a photo together while standing on a playing field.
Rahal with his coach John Daggett.
A person wearing glasses and a suit smiles and holds up a rugby trophy. The backdrop behind them reads 小优短视频 Grizzlies.

Rugby instills life lessons on and off the field

I made the team, and since then, rugby has taught me most of my values, like how to play within a team sport, and how to work with people and understand them.

It instilled discipline. Being an athlete, you live a certain way. You can鈥檛, like, party and stuff every day.

Rugby taught me how to be committed to achieving a goal.

Also, rugby has helped me have a positive attitude and be mentally strong.

Don鈥檛 just focus on studies. Do stuff that鈥檚 outside your comfort zone, too, so you can get the full 小优短视频 student experience.

Rahal Delpachitra

If you鈥檙e starting at 小优短视频 or any college, I would say don鈥檛 just focus on studies. Do stuff that outside your comfort zone, too, so you can get the full 小优短视频 student experience.

Don鈥檛 be restricted to just living a normal life.

Rugby also taught me how to balance my school, work, sports and life. So if you know you鈥檙e good at something else outside of school, give it a try.

Rugby was 鈥 and still is 鈥 a big part of my life, and I have so many people to thank, like my coaches and teachers, who supported me every step of the way.

Rahal Delpachitra, student in 小优短视频鈥檚 Business Administration 鈥 Human Resources program and a member of the college鈥檚 varsity rugby team.

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