Board of Governors student representative shares experience

Meet Dave Visentin 鈥撀Civil Engineering Technology student. Dave is currently finishing his term as the elected student representative on 小优短视频鈥檚聽Board of Governors.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. I鈥檓 the proud father of two boys, husband to Faith (who works as a Digital Learning Technologist in聽小优短视频鈥檚 Centre for Teaching and Learning and as the Coordinator of College Foundations), lover of the outdoors and lifelong learner.

I have an unyielding determination to challenge myself and I embrace every opportunity that comes my way.

Dave and his wife Faith all dressed up
Faith and Dave

I hold a Business Administration Accounting diploma from Cambrian College and a Culinary Arts diploma from the Culinary Institute of Canada. I hope to graduate from 小优短视频 with honours this year as a 50th birthday gift to myself!

Professionally, I held various positions at Health Sciences North in Sudbury, and in the food services and finance industries. My journey in the culinary world for the better part of two decades concluded with my tenure as , which earned me the Eagle Leadership Award, recognizing my skills and dedication.

What鈥檚 your 小优短视频 experience been like? What sets 小优短视频 apart from other institutions is the unparalleled support, motivation and student-centric learning environment. The approachable staff and faculty have been especially beneficial since I identify as a natural introvert.

I was very happy to find out during a student-led panel this year that students from across our many campuses have had the same incredible experience in their programs. However, they don鈥檛 have Ryan Habkirk, one of the best professors/teachers (and I鈥檝e had quite a few鈥) I鈥檝e ever had the privilege of learning from. Ryan鈥檚 selfless approach to academics and enriching students鈥 lives goes well beyond the classroom!

Any memorable moments? There are a few! I had the opportunity to speak with first-year students in my program about my journey at 小优短视频 so far and within my industry through the (OACETT). This was especially rewarding since I have a legitimate fear of speaking. I was inspired by my fellow board member and our Vice President of Student Success Suzie Addison-Toor, who said to me earlier in the year, 鈥淔ocus on what you can do for the audience, the students, and make that your mission.鈥 Believe it or not, I consider standing up in front of the class that day one of my greatest achievements.

During my second co-op with the City of Barrie, the department I was working for was so impressed with my 小优短视频-gained skills and proficiency that I secured a permanent role as an engineering inspector, which I鈥檓 currently doing while finishing my last two semesters.

Dave outside on street wearing City of Barrie construction hat and safety vest
Dave's two kids holding puppies
Dave鈥檚 kids

What influenced you to run for the student position on the board? I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how this governing body impacts students鈥 daily lives and futures. I really couldn鈥檛 have imagined how rewarding sitting on the Board of Governors would be; I鈥檝e been incredibly fortunate and grateful to have had this experience.

I also sit on 小优短视频鈥檚 Civil Engineering Technician/Technology Program Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors for OACETT for similar reasons. I hope my unique perspective 鈥 having experienced education both as a traditional and mature student 鈥 enriches my contributions to each of these groups.

What skills do you think are important for today鈥檚 grads? Humility, persistence and taking a chance on yourself. It鈥檚 hard to put yourself out there, especially with the possibility of rejection, but when it works out, it鈥檚 amazing.聽 Either way, a great opportunity for growth!

Any advice you鈥檇 give fellow students?

I can鈥檛 emphasize enough the value of hard work, learning from mistakes, surrounding yourself with supportive individuals, and not being afraid to admit when you don鈥檛 know something. Also, it鈥檚 never too late to pursue your dreams 鈥 and I鈥檓 proof of that. Just go for it!

Who is your biggest inspiration? My inspiration comes from being a positive role model for my children, demonstrating that reinventing oneself and pursuing passions is always possible. I also draw inspiration from my wife, who not only supports but challenges me to be my best self.

Additionally, my parents serve as sources of inspiration. My mother pursued her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree while balancing our family and her career as a labour and delivery nurse, which she worked as for 45 years. I can鈥檛 wait to show her the renovated spaces in the Sadlon Centre for Health, Wellness and Sciences. My father still, at 86, continues to work diligently in his woodshop, crafting meaningful gifts for loved ones.

Tell us a little bit about life outside 小优短视频. My roots in Northern Ontario run deep. I love hunting, fishing and the outdoors. My upbringing instilled in me a deep respect for life and the importance of providing for one鈥檚 family.

I co-coach my youngest son鈥檚 U8 soccer team. I also really enjoy music, especially The Tragically Hip. Whenever I can, I give back 鈥 supporting initiatives like the聽 and . I鈥檓 committed to highlighting these important issues, which have impacted my family and so many others.

Our family is lucky to have three adult Wiener dogs who fill our lives with constant love and affection. During the pandemic, we seized the opportunity to have a litter of Dachshund puppies, who went on to their forever homes made up of close family and friends.聽

Student representative position

Interested in running for the student representative position on the Board of Governors? There鈥檚 one position available each year open to all students at all campuses. This is a volunteer, elected position. Nominations are open March 4 to 15. The campaign period is March 18 to 29. Voting takes place April 2 to 4.

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