Monil from India

Meet Monil!

Monil is from Vapi, Gujarat, India and is currently in the Aviation Management program. He works part-time as a student ambassador at the Barrie Campus where he helps provide international students with information about СÓŶÌÊÓƵ and the local area.

What is your biggest struggle or challenge in Canada?

The cold weather. I came here in the fall when the temperature was 20 to 30 degrees Celsius but in winter it goes down to -10 to -30 C. My body was not very used to such cold temperature as back home temperature never went below 15 C. Somehow I was able to survive the winter by wearing three to four layers of clothes and my body became used to cold weather after some time. Apart from that, another challenge for me was having difficulty understanding the Canadian accent.

What do you miss the most about your home country?

First of all, I miss my family and friends a lot. It’s difficult to live without them but thanks to the internet I can keep in touch with them. The next thing I miss is the delicious food that is next to impossible to get in Canada. The way we make food and the taste we have back home is just inexpressible. Apart from this, I miss how I used to celebrate different festivals with all my family members and friends.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering coming to Canada, what would it be?

Don’t be scared with thoughts about living far away from your family and friends. I know how it feels when no one is there, and you need to be independent in all your work. I would suggest that if you don’t know anything, ask people, because people here are so kind and friendly that even if you ask a stranger something they would probably help you. Plus, try to learn Canadian culture as much as you can and get yourself involved in it. That will help you to grow and settle here easily. Apart from that, be ready to face the cold weather and bring as much as warm clothes as you can with you. One of the most important pieces of advice I would give is to make good connections as that will help you get jobs and will open many opportunities for you.

Where do you plan on going/what do you plan on doing, after you graduate from СÓŶÌÊÓƵ?

First of all, I would like to gain as much experience and connections as I can before I graduate. That way my resume will be strong and I will have many opportunities. After graduation, I plan to gain Canadian work experience for a few years and in the meantime pursue my Master’s degree in Aviation Management from Griffith University. My reason for choosing Griffith University is that СÓŶÌÊÓƵ has an articulation agreement with them and I would be getting many credits transferred. I will also be able to finish my Master’s degree in less than two years online. After that my goal is to work for an airline or airport and grow in this field.

What surprised you the most about Canada/СÓŶÌÊÓƵ?

The helpful and polite nature of the people. I never thought that people here would be so kind as to help a strange person from a different country. In the beginning , I had a lot of difficulty with the bus route and where to take a transfer from, but I always got help from anyone I asked. They were so kind to me and helped me every time. Apart from that, the thing that surprised me about СÓŶÌÊÓƵ was the opportunities for students to grow and the different services available to them to get help regarding their academics. There are also many events  for students and help them to make friends so that they don’t feel homesick.

Monil in front of car
Monil at the lake
Monil profile pic

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