Studying in Ireland

A smiling woman, leaning against a wallI chose to study abroad because of the incredible adventure and experiences that would come from it. I have a deep passion for travel and this was a chance to do that while also learning and expanding my perspective. Studying abroad opens up so many opportunities and allows you to learn more about yourself and the world. For me, one of the benefits I experienced abroad was personal growth. Studying abroad allowed me to discover so many things about myself while navigating my way through new experiences and being in new environments. I learned more about who I am, who I want to be and what I want to do in my life. Another major benefit of studying abroad is the people you meet. They will teach you a great deal about yourself and the world. It is incredible the new perspectives you will gain, not to mention the lifelong friends you will make. International experience is also very important and very beneficial when it comes to future job searches. Today, having international experience is a big deal for employers as it speaks not only to your personality but to your life experience as well.

While I was in Ireland, I ran a blog called  where I documented my travels and shared my experiences being an international student. Having a blog was a great way to tell my stories and keep my friends and family up to date on everything going on. Thanks to the International Centre and my semester abroad, I now have many amazing opportunities in my future at СÓŶÌÊÓƵ and around the world.

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