Event trends for 2022

Year-round and on-demand

The last two years have seen people spending more and more time online. For better or for worse, this is where past and future attendee are finding event information, so it’s where your event needs to be. Keep your audience interested by posting highlights from your events, whether the event itself was in person or online. Share learnings from your workshops and check-ins with favourite keynote speakers throughout the year to hype up your audience for the next event and keep them coming back for more. If you had great presentations, keep them available on your website as a permanent online hub for your event.

video camera recording a livestream

A happy medium of content

When the pandemic began, event planners who switched to virtual were focused on function alone. Were their clients still able to host online meetings and events that got their message out to their attendees? Once virtual events became more practiced, the focus shifted to making them show-stoppers. Budget went into the entertainment side of these events, with live performances, games, website design and virtual spaces. These innovations were spectacular, but could sometimes contribute to information overload and screen fatigue. In 2022, event planners are going to find the comfortable middle ground of providing attendees with information they need, and giving them activities to engage with, without asking them to sit through a whole concert on top of a keynote address and round-table sessions.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Modern audiences are well-informed, up to date, and can spot insincerity from a mile away. Event attendees want to see that their favourite organizations are hosting events that represent the diversity of the world around them, and not just in a tokenistic way. They want these occasions to be meaningful. In 2022, plan on having diverse representation in your planning committee, your speakers, your entertainment, and your audience. Having a variety of voices on your planning committee can help you see the needs of attendees with different abilities and life experiences, making your event design friendlier to those from all walks of life. Event planners can be leaders not just in their industry, but in society at large, by providing richer experiences for everyone involved.

hands creating the shape of a heart

Networks of experts

HR teams, administrative professionals, and other non-traditional planners have seen more and more events show up on the side of their desk, and while they might not all have prior event experience, they’ve made it work. Even seasoned event planners have had to start from scratch in some respects in figuring out what events can look like now. With so much change to manage, networks for professionals have formed like never before, with people sharing their experiences – what’s worked and what hasn’t – helping each other daily. 2022 is going to be about collaboration between areas that may have never worked together before, which will only serve to enrich the event industry and bring new and innovative ideas.

If you’re one of these new planners that have suddenly found events as part of your job, we’re here to help. Contact our one-stop event shop for your summer events and beyond and see what СÓŶÌÊÓƵ has to offer!

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