Student Code of Conduct – Prohibited conduct

The following list sets out specific examples of prohibited conduct. This list is not meant to be exhaustive.

2.4.1 – Disruption

Disruption or obstruction, by action, threat, written material, or by any means whatsoever, of any College activities, or other authorized activities on or in the facilities of the College; preventing any person from carrying on his or her legitimate activities, whether or not it involves speaking or associating with others.

2.4.2 – Misconduct against persons and dangerous activity

Misconduct against persons includes, but is not limited to:

  • – Assault, harassment, intimidation, threats, stalking, bullying, and coercion;
  • – Sexual assault, sexual harassment, the use of force or physical violence and/or imposing on someone physically to gain sexual access to that person, and coercion to persuade someone to do something they do not wish to do, such as being sexual or performing particular sexual acts (see Sexual Violence Procedure and Protocol #2-122).
  • – Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person;
  • – Disorderly or indecent conduct;
  • – Creating a condition that endangers the health, safety or well-being of any person; and
  • – Coercing, enticing, or inciting a person to commit an act that is humiliating or demeaning to that person or to others.
  • – Use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone, and pager text messages, instant messaging, personal web sites, social networking sites, and online personal polling web sites, to support harassing or hostile behaviour by an individual or group, or that is intended or has the potential to harm others, (e.g. cyber-bullying); and
  • – Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make or disseminate an audio or video record of any person, including lectures and other classroom activities, without their prior knowledge or consent.

2.4.3 – Misconduct Involving Property

Misconduct involving real or personal property of the College or any member of the College Community, including but not limited to the following:

  • – Entry and/or presence on any facilities of the College contrary to College regulations, or without express or implied authority, or contrary to an express instruction or direction from an authorized College Official including unauthorized entry into residence rooms of others;
  • – Misappropriation, damage, unauthorized possession, defacement, and/or destruction of facilities or property of the College or the property of others;
  • – Use of College facilities, equipment, or services contrary to express instruction or without proper authority;
  • – Misuse of College supplies and documents, including equipment, library and computer resources, keys, records, transcripts and permits;
  • – Use of College-owned, leased, or controlled computing equipment or facilities for purposes other than those for which the facilities have been provided or interference with the operations of such facilities;
  • – Tampering with emergency telephones, fire protection equipment, or emergency facilities (e.g., fire bells, fire extinguishers, fire hoses); disconnecting or blocking fire alarms; setting unauthorized fires, or raising a false fire alarm; blocking or wedging open fire and smoke doors on corridors or stairways;
  • – Obtaining, accessing, or disclosing all or any part of the confidential personal records pertaining to a member of the college community, or disclosing to others the content of such records, without that person’s express consent.
  • – Using or permitting others to use College property, facilities, or resources to promote, engage in, or further an activity which contravenes any provision of the Criminal Code or any other local, municipal, provincial, or federal statutes

2.4.4 – Acts of Dishonesty

Acts of dishonesty include but are not limited to the following:

  • – Providing false information to any College official, office, or member of the teaching staff;
  • – Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College document or record, or any instrument of identification.

2.4.5 – Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Use

  • – Smoking where smoking is prohibited;
  • – Illegal use, possession, or distribution of a controlled or restricted substance;
  • – Contravention of provincial liquor laws or the policies of the College governing the possession, distribution, and/or consumption of alcohol on the premises of the College;
  • – Entry upon premises of the College or involvement in any College activity in a state of intoxication or while under the influence of any substance prohibited by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

2.4.6 – Improper use of Dangerous Objects and Substances

Possession, display, use, or storage of firearms, other weapons, ammunition, and explosives, or replicas thereof, or of flammable solvents, bio-hazardous, volatile, or poisonous materials except in areas and for purposes expressly designated by authorized College Officials.

2.4.7 – Failure to Comply

  • – Failure to comply with directions of a College Official or law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his/her duties and/or failure to identify oneself to such persons when requested to do so.
  • – Failure to comply with any sanction imposed by the College for misconduct under this Code.

2.4.8 – Contravention of College Policies

Violation of published College Policies and affiliated Codes

2.4.9 – Contravention of other Laws

Contravention of any provision of the Criminal Code or any other local, municipal, provincial, or federal statutes including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all by-laws, regulations, and statutes

2.4.10 – Aiding or abetting

Aiding or encouraging others in the commission of an act prohibited under this Code, (including all municipal, provincial, or federal statutes), or attempting to commit an act prohibited under this Code.

2.4.11 – Visitors

Failure to properly monitor the activities of a visitor whom the student invited to a College facility and/or failure to report misconduct by the visitor.

2.4.12 – Abuse of process

Use of college procedure or regulation for the purpose of harming another person in reputation or standing in the college.

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Contact information

Dean of Students

  • 705.728.1968, ext. 1400

Campus Safety Services

  • Urgent: 705.728.1968, ext. 5100
  • Non-urgent: 705.722.5100 or ext. 6111

Student Services

  • Barrie: 705.722.1523
  • Midland: 705.526.3666
  • Muskoka: 705.646.7629
  • Orangeville: 519.940.0331
  • Orillia: 705.325.2740, ext. 3113 or 705.329.3113
  • Owen Sound: 519.376.0840, ext. 2099
  • South СÓŶÌÊÓƵ Bay: 705.445.2961