Student Code of Conduct 鈥 Sanctions

2.5 鈥撀燚isciplinary Sanctions

The College may impose one or more of the following sanctions where a student has been found to have breached the Code. Penalties imposed for misconduct will be appropriate to the nature and seriousness of the offence and will consider the student鈥檚 offence history and/or recommendations from the Student of Concern Committee, as appropriate. Informal resolution and/or mediation are encouraged to address complaints wherever possible and appropriate.

2.5.1 鈥撀燨ral Warning and/or Temporary Dismissal

  • Disruption of college activities, including instructional activities. May be dealt with by a College Official who may issue an oral warning, or
  • As appropriate, order a temporary dismissal of the student from the relevant area. Such temporary dismissals are for a period not exceeding one business day and shall be reported immediately to the Campus Safety Services.

2.5.2 鈥撀燱ritten Warning

A written warning is a notice issued by the Director of Campus Safety Services advising the student that:

  • it has been determined that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred and that the incident has been documented;
  • their conduct (act or omission) constituted a violation in contravention of the Code; and
  • further incidents may result in Code sanctions

2.5.3 鈥撀燘ehavioural Contract

A Behavioural Contract:

  • is a signed agreement between a student and the College through Campus Safety Services, which may be informed through the Student of Concern Committee, as appropriate;
  • specifies conditions which must be met and adhered to by the student to return to class, placement, or participation in a College approved activity or to use services or facilities.

    Failure to meet the terms of the contract may result in Conduct Probation, suspension or expulsion of the Student.

    If an agreement cannot be reached between the student and Associate Dean/Dean, Department Administrator, or Campus Safety Services, or if a student refuses to sign the Behavioural Contract, the sanction of Conduct Probation shall be imposed.

    The Behavioural Contract or conditions of the contract may be reviewed after an appropriate period of time, as specified in the Contract, at the request of the student to Campus Safety Services.

2.5.4 鈥撀燙onduct Probation

Conduct Probation is an order that:

  • is issued by the Director of Campus Safety Services;
  • is designed to permit the Student to attend classes, laboratories, and placements;
  • is normally limited to Campus activities; and may include specific terms and conditions.
    A Student who is on Conduct Probation is subject to suspension or expulsion if there are any further breaches of Code, other College Codes or Policies, or the Conduct Probation Order.

2.5.5 鈥撀燫estitution Order

A Restitution Order is an order requiring the Student to compensate the College, a member of the College Community, or any other affected party for loss or damage to property.
The Student鈥檚 Academic Record is subject to an encumbrance until the Associate Dean/Dean or Department Administrator is provided with satisfactory evidence that order has been complied with or that arrangements satisfactory to the College have been made to comply with the Order.

2.5.6 鈥撀燬uspension

  • 鈥撀燬hort-term Suspension
    A Short-term Suspension is:
    • An order suspending the Student from participation in all or specified College activities, courses, or programs for the designated number of 1 to 5 business days. When determining the duration of the suspension any time spent on an Investigative Suspension Order may be taken into consideration, at the discretion of the Registrar, in consultation with the Department Administrator, Associate Dean/Dean, or Director of Safety Services, as appropriate.
    • Furthermore, with the exception of residence students, and unless otherwise specified,聽 no student shall be allowed to physically access the College campus and any contravention thereof may lead to more severe聽 sanctions being imposed.
    • Residence students will have limited access to the Residence and food services.
    • Electronic access to College online services may be discontinued during this period as the Registrar or the Director of Safety Services or designate may determine to be appropriate.
    • A Short-term Suspension will not be imposed at a time that coincides with final exams/final tests and will not interfere with due dates for final culminating projects. To avoid interference with final exams/tests and final culminating projects, students continuing their studies and returning to the College may receive their imposed sanction during the subsequent academic semester and students graduating and not returning to the College in the subsequent semester will have the suspension imposed during convocation and the Student will not be permitted to attend graduation but will receive their credentials.
  • 鈥撀燣ong-term Suspension
    Long-term Suspension is:
    • An order requiring a Student to withdraw from an individual course or all courses in which the Student is enrolled and which prohibits participation in any College activities or any combination of these for a period not less than the end of the current semester in which the Student is enrolled and which may extend up to one academic year. When determining the duration of the suspension any time spent on an Investigative Suspension Order may be taken into consideration at the discretion of the Registrar, in consultation with the Associate Dean/Dean and Director of Safety Services, as appropriate.
    • This penalty will usually result in automatic failing (F) grades in affected courses in which the Student is registered, and no fees will be refunded for that semester.
    • The opportunity to receive a 鈥淲鈥 (鈥渨ithdrawn鈥) grade will also be forfeited. In some cases, the suspension may be deferred to the next semester.
    • If the student is currently in Residence, the student will be removed from Residence with no refund of Residence fees for that semester.
    • Electronic access to College online services may be discontinued during this period as the Registrar or the Director of Safety Services or designate may determine to be appropriate.
  • 2.5.7 鈥撀燛xpulsion
    Expulsion is an order that:
    • immediately terminates the Student鈥檚 contractual relationship with the College;
    • expels the Student from all College programs, courses, and activities;
    • results in automatic failing (F) grades in all courses in which the Student is registered, and no fees will be refunded for that semester;
    • denies the student the opportunity to receive a 鈥淲鈥 (鈥渨ithdrawn鈥);
    • removes the student from Residence with no refund of Residence fees for that semester;
    • is a formal communication issued by the Registrar to the student detailing the conditions of the expulsion;
    • a student who is expelled under the provision may reapply to the college as defined
  • 2.5.8 鈥撀燩rohibition
    Prohibition is an order:
    • issued by the Registrar, on the recommendation the Director of Campus Safety Services;
    • which prohibits former students who breached the Code while they were students, from participating in all College programs, courses and activities. The duration of this sanction may be indefinite or for a specific period at the discretion of the Registrar dependent on the circumstances resulting in this sanction. A former student who has been issued a Prohibition Order under this provision may reapply to the College through the Office of the Registrar.
  • 2.5.9 鈥撀燦o Trespass Notice
    In situations where an expulsion, prohibition, suspension or Investigative Suspension Order is imposed, the person under this Code who imposed the sanction may also authorize the delivery of a notice under the Trespass to Property Act advising the student or former student that s/he must not trespass on college property. A written or verbal notice issued by a college official, pursuant to the Trespass to Property Act, may be given under circumstances which have not resulted, and may not result in, an expulsion, prohibition, suspension or Investigative Suspension Order.
  • 2.5.12 鈥撀燙onditions
    Any sanction under this Code may be subject to the student satisfying such conditions as are reasonable in the circumstances. A student may also be required to satisfy such conditions as are reasonable in the circumstances prior to a decision at any level of the process being made on an appropriate sanction under this Code.

2.6 鈥撀燦on Disciplinary Sanction

Investigative Suspension Order

The Director of Campus Safety Services or designate may impose an Investigative Suspension Order on a student pending an investigation of a complaint of major misconduct. During a period of an Investigative Suspension Order, a student may be restricted from attending classes or other College activities, may be denied physical access to specified College facilities, or may be denied other privileges for which the Student might otherwise be eligible as the Director of Campus Safety Services or designate may determine to be appropriate in consultation with the Associate Dean/Dean or Department Administrator. Electronic access to College on-line services may be discontinued during this period as the Director of Campus Safety Services or designate may determine to be appropriate. The Director of Campus Safety Services or designate will consult with the Associate Dean/Dean of the program in which the student is registered and with any other relevant stakeholders and will complete the investigation as promptly as possible in the circumstances.聽 An Investigative Suspension Order may be imposed where:

  • it is reasonably necessary to ensure the safety and/or well-being of members of the College Community or to ensure the preservation of property of the College or of a member of the College Community; or
  • it is reasonably necessary to ensure the student鈥檚 physical or emotional safety and/or well-being; or
  • there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the student poses a threat of, disruption and/or interference with the normal operations of the College or the rights of members of the College Community to use and enjoy the College鈥檚 learning and working environment and facilities; or
  • where a student refuses to cooperate with an investigation by attending a required meeting as part of the investigative process.

At the conclusion of the Investigative Suspension Order the duration of the Investigative Suspension may be applied to reduce the duration of any disciplinary suspension related to the incident.

2.7 鈥撀燙onfidentiality

  • 2.7.2 鈥聽Confidentiality with respect to complaints will be maintained to the greatest extent possible, having regard to the circumstances giving rise to the complaint and subject to the College鈥檚 obligation to conduct a thorough investigation and subject to the requirements of the law.
  • 2.7.3 鈥撀燩arties and witnesses are expected to keep information discussed confidential (aside from discussing the information with her/his personal advisor and close family members/partner). Unwarranted breaches of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action or sanctions.
  • 2.7.4 鈥聽Confidentiality with respect to the findings and the sanction will be maintained, except to the extent necessary to implement and/or defend, or as required by law.

2.8 鈥撀燩rotection From Reprisals

In order to protect individuals who make use of this Code or participate in proceedings as part of the appeals procedure, the College prohibits reprisal or threat of reprisal against these individuals.聽 Individuals who violate these provisions shall be subject to discipline or other corrective action.

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Contact information

Dean of Students

  • 705.728.1968, ext. 1400

Campus Safety Services

  • Urgent: 705.728.1968, ext.聽5100
  • Non-urgent: 705.722.5100 or ext.聽6111

Student Services

  • Barrie: 705.722.1523
  • Midland: 705.526.3666
  • 惭耻蝉办辞办补:听705.646.7629
  • 翱谤补苍驳别惫颈濒濒别:听519.940.0331
  • Orillia:聽705.325.2740, ext. 3113 or 705.329.3113
  • Owen Sound:聽519.376.0840, ext. 2099
  • South 小优短视频 Bay:聽705.445.2961